trail walk owl spotting 11.27.2019

Owl spotted sleeping on branch on trails behind nichols college
26 nov 2019

from the book
medicine cards by jamie sams and david carson

owl, magic, omens, time and space. does the truth emerge? casting out deception, silent flight, sacred medicine bird.
ssymbolically associated with clairvoyance,astral projection, and magic, both black and white. called night eagle on medicine wheels.
sits in the east. place of illumination. night is owl's friend.
some natives fearful of owls. its feathers called "deceiver feathers" feathers are silent.
the medicine of sorcerers and witches. drawn to it and possible drawn to the dark arts exploration.
resist doing so.
if you have owl medicine, these night birds will have a tendency to collect around you, including in daytime. they recognize a kinship with you.
owl a symbol for wisdom in many cultures. can see what others cannot. the essence of true wisdom.
Athena~ goddess of wisdom. owl as companion.
you may be a little frightening to be around, since so many people have ulterior motives which you see right through.
you may frighten them and reflect their blindness. you cannot be fooled.
being asked to use your powers of keen, silent observation to intuit some life situation. aiding you to see the total truth.


The owl was a symbol for Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategy, before the Greeks gave their pantheon human forms. According to myth, an owl sat on Athena's blind side, so that she could see the whole truth. In Ancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of a higher wisdom, and it was also a guardian of the Acropolis.

Through pop culture references, like Winnie the Pooh, and through folklore, we all associate owls with wisdom at some time or other.  Rather than intellectual wisdom, though, owls are connected with the wisdom of the soul.  However, there are other qualities that owl has.  Owls are often seen as mysterious, mostly because many owls are strictly nocturnal and humans have always found night to be full of mystery and the unknown.  Owls live within the darkness, which includes magic, mystery, and ancient knowledge.  Related to the night is the moon, which owls are also connected to.  It becomes a symbol of the feminine and fertility, with the moon’s cycles of renewal.

Even the mythology relates owl to this wisdom and femininity.  The owl was a symbol for Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategy, before the Greeks gave their pantheon human forms.  According to myth, an owl sat on Athena’s blind side, so that she could see the whole truth.  In Ancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of a higher wisdom, and it was also a guardian of the Acropolis.  Diana, the Roman response to Athena, was strongly associated with the moon, and also the owl.  The Pawnee and the Sioux saw the owl as a messenger (akicita) to the first of all evil creatures (Unktehi).  While the Lakota tribe had an “Owl Society,” where the warriors fought primarily at night and painted dark rings around their eyes because they believed that would allow them to have an owl’s acute vision.

There are many superstitions surrounding the owl, many of which focus on death.  In Europe and America, owl was seen as a harbinger of death.  This was due to certain peoples, like the Dakota, and some Germanic tribes and Scandinavian Vikings, who would signal the approach of attack with the hoot of an owl.  This was and still remains the easiest bird call to imitate.  The Mayans called the screech owl of the Yucatan “the moan bird,” and believed that it meant death.

There are myths and legends from all over the world, from the Americas to the Far East.  Owls, as they always have, continue to be a source of wisdom, spiritual and intellectual

The mysterious, beautiful owl is a bird worth studying. It flies by night and has an uncanny ability to capture prey. But because these birds are night-fliers, humans have often feared them. Many societies and cultures associate them with darkness, negativity, and mystery while others associate them with wisdom and prophecy.

What Does It Mean When You See or Hear an Owl?
Owl sightings and calls can be either a blessing or a bad omen. Pay attention to what happens immediately after you see or hear the owl. If something good happens, then the sighting portends good fortune. If something negative happens, then the sighting presages bad news, including illness.
The ancient Welsh associated owls with fertility. If a pregnant woman heard an owl hoot, then it was believed that she would have an easy labor.
Ancient Greeks, and the Romans for that matter, associated owls with the goddess Athena, wisdom, and prophecy.
Ancient Christians saw owls as a sign of evil and linked them with Lilith, Adam's first, disobedient wife.
Owls are most often seen and heard during the night because they are nocturnal. However, some owls, such as the pygmy owl, are active at twilight. And if you see or hear an owl during the day, it means that you are likely encountering a diurnal owl that sleeps at night just like we do; two such owls are the burrowing owl and the short-eared owl

Greek and Roman Owl Lore
Owls are birds of the night—generally speaking. Because of this fact, they have been associated with the moon, the night, and even the feminine.

The ancient Greeks revered the goddess Athena, who was supposed to be the goddess of wisdom and guardian of the Acropolis. Her symbol was the owl, so the bird became a symbol of higher wisdom. The owl was a bird of prophecy and wisdom in many ancient cultures.
The ancient Romans thought that a feather from an owl would help you find out the secrets of a sleeping person.

Owl Symbolism in Native American Culture
According to some Native American cultures, every person has an animal designation, which is determined by the time of year that you were born. In this tradition, the owl is the animal symbol for people born between November 23 and December 21.

Ted Andrews, the author of Animal Speak, says that Native American groups have differing views of the owl. While the Pawnee thought of the owl as a symbol of protection, the Ojibwa saw it as an omen of death or evil. He goes on to say that in Pueblo culture, there was a god called the Skeleton Man. He was a god of death but, conversely, also a spirit of fertility. The owl was associated with this god.

Indeed, you will find that different Native American cultures regard the owl with negative, neutral, and positive associations. Some see the owl as one who is allied with bad spirits and bad people. Its presence can help a person to develop negative psychic powers to use against others for selfish reasons. Some people can even use those psychic powers to control others. We all know those "controlling" people. They might have an owl in their totem!

What Does It Mean to Have an Owl in Your Totem?
According to Native American tradition, people with an owl in their totem are also said to be adaptable and approach life in an easy-going manner. They are often artistic and adventurous. Witty and flexible, sensitive and with a zest for life, these folks can accomplish great things. Conversely, they can get a bit self-absorbed and can hold grudges.

Do you think you have an owl in your totem? Ask yourself whether the owl has special meaning to you. Are you especially attracted to or afraid of them? Do you see them more often than other people who live nearby? If so, then owls might among your spirit guides.

What Does It Mean When Someone Sees an Owl During the Day?

Owls are typically symbolic of wisdom or a significant life change, though some cultures also see them as a symbol of someone who is reaching out after death. As owls are nocturnal, it can be disconcerting to see an owl during the daytime, and though many may take this as a bad omen, it is not necessarily so. In most cases, it's likely that the owl's sleep was disturbed and it is simply looking for another place to rest.

In many cultures, especially Native American cultures, the owl is seen as someone who was wise during his or her time on earth and who has come back to protect loved ones. Some Native Americans believe that seeing an owl, especially one that is vocalizing, may signify that the deceased is trying to send a message to the ones they left behind.

The most common reason that an owl would be seen during the daytime is when its sleeping, eating and hunting patterns have been disrupted. Seeing an owl during the day is often less about spiritual or ritualistic meanings and more about the surrounding environment. When there is a lot of human influence in a forested area, all of the wildlife in the area will be disrupted, including owls.

The owl is known in mythology as a sign of wisdom. In Greek myths, it was connected to the goddess of wisdom, Minerva. Many human cultures have feared the owl and connected to negative things, darkness and mysteries. Other cultures have seen the owl as a symbol of prophesy and wisdom. It is often connected to the nighttime, the moon and the feminine side of life.
What Does It Mean When You See an Owl?
Seeing an owl in real life can be considered a bad omen or a blessing depending on which culture you were raised in. If your culture does not have any particular associations with the owl, then you can look for what happens after you hear or see the owl to see if the owl is a good thing or a bad thing. If something bad happens immediately after seeing an owl, then it is a sign of bad news like an illness. If something positive happens, then it is a sign of good fortune.

Ancient Christians once believed that the owl was a sign of pure evil. Early Christians connected the owl to Lilith, who was rumored to be Adam’s disobedient first wife.

Meanwhile, the ancient Romans connected the owl to the goddess Athena. They believed that owl symbolism revolved around prophecy and wisdom. This nighttime bird was also the source of other Roman superstitions. In one superstition, it was thought that the feather of an owl could be used to help you divine the secrets of a sleeping individual.

The Welsh thought of the owl as a symbol of fertility. They thought that a pregnant woman who heard the sound of an owl would eventually have an easy labor. Meanwhile, the ancient Greeks were known for revering the goddess Athena. Long ago, Athena was the guardian of the Acropolis and the goddess of wisdom. Since her symbol was the owl, the owl became linked to higher wisdom.

Native Americans and Owl Symbolism
Owl symbolism varies from one culture to another. In Native American cultures, people are represented by a certain kind of animal based on the time of year when they were born. The owl is considered the symbol for anyone born between November 23 and December 21.

Like other cultures, owl symbolism can vary a lot. Different Native American groups connect the owl to different things. In Pueblo culture, there is a god called the Skeleton Man. He is the god of fertility and death. This god is connected to the owl. Meanwhile, the Pawnee once believed that the owl was a potent sign of protection. In the Ojibwa tribe, owl symbolism said that the owl was a terrible omen of evil or death.

Different Native American cultures associate the owl with different things. Some cultures connect the owl to bad people and bad spirits. When an owl appears, it could be a sign of someone who is trying to use negative psychic powers (we might call it black magic, even) to control someone else for their own selfish reasons. They may even try to control and manipulate the people around them.

Someone who has an owl in their totem is said to be extremely adaptable. No matter what happens in their life, they are easygoing and able to go with the flow. These types of people are said to be adventurous, creative and artistic. People with an owl in their totem are also said to be flexible, full of life, witty and sensitive. When the situation is right, these individuals are able to accomplish amazing things. At the same time, they have a tendency to hold grudges and become a bit self-absorbed.


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