Life in a pandemic

Social distancing 101

To whom it may concern:
I have sat here and watched over these many months. Since China started theirs back in December. Then Italy and other parts of the world falling in line to this new global crisis.
I have chetted with many friends that I have met over the years over many social media platforms. One such friend lives in the UK. Their small family is now stranded in Italy because their flight ended up being the very next day after their declaration of lock down. Another friend, scared as they live there in Italy as they watch neighbors and loved ones fall sick or even die. They implore me at each conversation to stay at home if I possibly can.
I feel my country here, having all the tools and information months ago, has failed me. Has failed my fellow country men and women. From listening to the press confrence given by the governor of my own commonwealth of a state, frustrated over short weeks and nearly swearing, but catching themself. PPE is short to have for all of our medical field personnel. We had months to prepare for this. We sat on our asses. We did nothing.
I watch as more are added to the death count of my somewhat small sized state. Listen as fellow friends online in my own country that are of the medical field plead for everyone to stay at home. Stay inside. And please send masks, gloves and the like.
The governor of NY this morning... he is right. This is not about politics. It should have never been about that ever. This is about the world, not just one country, teaming up to fight for survival.
Social distancing means to stay home. No hand shaking, no high fives, no hugs. Staying 6 feet apart as much as possible. Stay inside your own living quarters as much as possible. Washing your hands often. Cleaning and wiping down all your surfaces as often as one can as well. Simple bleach and water or even the lysol disinfectant cleaners and a cloth. Wipe every surface you or another may have come into contact with.
If you must go outside, use the sleeve of your coat, or even your hip/ back to open doors. Wash your hands upon returning home. Even changing your clothing from being outside. These will help stop the spread as quickly.
Stop usage of play grounds for they are pools for germs to be carried. No vivisting others at their homes. No parties. Encourage restaurants to do take out services only. Cancel gathering events and plans.

Do not let your country fail you like my country has failed us.

-A silent observer of the world.


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