2020 jan updates going into the new year

Update 21 jan 2020

Granted funds that are being sent to the mortgage company directly.
Truck payment did not go through and now when I called them, they said I need to make a payment of about 400 by this friday or they will start the repossession process(it is already listed as being in that mode) (I have already tried to ask if I can schedule a payment fr the end of the month and they said no, they cannot process that far out. :/ )

Still no word on the share fund. Not even an email on if they got my materials and if they needed anything further from me. No updates , nothing.
They list the 2 weeks as HOLD.
What does this mean? I asked for direct deposit.  And they sent me a debit card. (?) And cannot even get a human being on the phone to even ask a simple question! :/ highly frustrated at this point of time.
I have reached out to hr at work since I'm not sure what else to do. There is no number to reach the share fund. They took my info and said they will send along and see about getting me to high priority
Fingers crossed things will go some how quickly and in time.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out how I can find 400 to send to Santander for a truck payment by this Friday:/ I'm pulling out my hair and trying to  remain calm and hopeful still. Blessings to all.-s

Update 15 jan
Sent very long email after numerous phone calls from the mortgage company contradicting a lot of what they said to us etc etc. After a very long day, have finally been granted an extension due to their poor customer service satisfaction. They failed to ever notify on dates and funding they would be needing by for their deadline. So this was why we missed approval. They have extended so that I can get a payment of current amount to them. Then they will work on a re write of the loan. Thus extended the life of the loan. It's something. So I hope it works out in the end. :)
Still waiting on work support. And waiting period on unemployment for the comp.of my lacked hours.

Update 13 jan 2020
Mortgage company denied the refinancing due to not having jan payment in by now. (It is only half through the month(?) )
I have still the artwork and knitted items are available at this time
Will send art / book for any donations at this time towards these bills. I'm waiting on share fund from work. They still have not notified me. It has been 1 week. So 3 more days to go minimum.
And state unemployment holds back for a week on things. :/ I wish these things went faster to tell me yes or no.
Anyways that's the updates for today.

** ☆☆
Update 7 jan 2020

The retweets and postings supporting have been wonderful ♡
Some donations♡♡ 😘😘😘 I thank those immensely for what have been sent
I was able to apply them so some bills outstanding. Every little bit helps♡
The knitted and artwork I posted/ sales from those will go to those bills as well.
I applied for the support from work. But I haven't heard back yet. I only hope it comes in time.
Again♡ blessings and thank you for the rt ans postings you all have done♡ -s

New year ~

Updates going into the new year

Sorry if I've seemed quiet on the personal level this past year to all my followers and readers and friends.
It's been a struggle. As I am sure it has been for all of you.
They cut my hours drastically at work for over a year now. And I've had to also carry the insurance so that I can make sure my son has the medication he needs. So after the 2 maybe 3 days a week, working around the school schedule,  and the insurance is taken out of my paycheck, I have been getting a stub telling me my take home is literally $0.00 each and every week.For the last 6 months .I've tried explaining this to the gm i had at the time, and he just didnt seem to 1 understand 2really care about giving me the min 4 days so at least I had the gas money to at least make it into work.

Here and there I might have seen an extra day or a full week that would help in gas and food money
We have been making use of the food pantries. But even they do not get much help on the non holiday time of the year. Families need help all year long. The food banks need the donations year round, not just at Christmas time.
On top of this, I fell back the week before Christmas,  hitting my head (see my blog post for the Christmas/ yule greetings, I wrote about it there)
Now things have piled up, I have reached out to all the resources I have had allowed to me/ available to me. And waiting to hear back on one final ditch effort.
I'm asking for a reach out.
Not necessarily in donations.
But in buying the books, the art, leaving the reviews.
This stuff is my only other way I might be able to hopefully make ends meet.
I'm not saying I will not be extremely grateful on any donations,  but do not be surprised if I also send you some art or book as a token of my gratitude of the support.
I never like sharing how things are at this personal level
I usually shut down and hide away/ write away/ make things, etc. But I wanted to just let everyone know on this
I'm sorry if I've seemed away for so long

I have made plans for better venues that I hope will help in this upcoming year. But unfortunately,  it does not help the immediate situation. I know I'll figure it out, I always do.

Anyways, blessings going into this new year. And I'm keeping positive as best as I can. So should you with whatever it is you all are dealing with
Blessings love and peace- s

*note also
New twitter account, so if I missed anyone/ I'm slowly working on getting everyone switched to following the @SkyBoivin2 account.
So I cant pull everyone up in the tagging function yet


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