Yule blessings 2019~ end of year thoughts

I am blessed and thankful for those around me that have not only become friends over the years, but like family to me as well.I usually keep certain personal things to myself. As I do not wish for and pity party as it might be labeled as to some. I am just merely wanting to post how blessed I feel as this past week especially.
 The love and support I have been shown by the #spnfamily when I first got to setting out to edit my first big book back in 2015, around the time I lost someone close to suicide. Convincing me to join twitter (the cookies have been fantastic on the twitterside ;) )
Helping me get the editing and finally getting their hope published. Encouraging my writings, when others on homefront may not have been as supportive.
Leading to today. You've stuck by my side all these years. New and old alike.
I've found beautiful and talented souls in the process that also share my love of words and songs in my travels along these years♡ and I thank them deeply for sticking by my side as well.

As well as old friends I found to be actual family. My exact polar opposite in life. She grounds me in ways no one else can or seems to know how. ♡ she has been with me for almost everything. (Even if we were apart for some years;) )

As well as close family members varying from my mother, aunt/uncles, grandparents,  nieces down to 1st/2nd/ and 3rd cousins, I have had the honor to grow close to over these years.

Recently, I suffered a nasty fall during an ice storm here at my home. Such as my luck always goes, yup. I found the one spot not covered in sand against the ice. I went flying down my front steps and landed, against the stairs, down the stairs etc. Smashing the back of my head against the cement steps in the process. As there was bleeding, I went to the er. 4 staples later. I have suffered a small concussion as well from it. The staples come out after xmas

As I laid to rest afterwards when I finally got home, I noticed on facebook what day it was. The anniversary of the birthday of one of my great aunts who has passed on from us some years ago
I remember, that as I was falling down the stairs, I thought I had briefly felt hands trying to catch me as I went down on my ass. Now, as I think on things like I do. ... my Angels are watching over me every day. But not angels as one may traditionally think of; my ancestors new and old. Florence was one of the other many gifted members of my family, even though it was never spoken of openly as I was growing up. Yet, now as I speak with my second and third cousins, I find that they all have what I have. And they even have a name for it. The trudelle intuition.
So those that watch over me, especially this particular night, just show me more, that there is love  there. Spirit level guidance to be reached out to.
I believe I was protected or at least the blow was softened by one of the many Angel's my family has lost over these years.
The fall could have ended up a lot worse than it was. I am thankful in so many ways it was not. It will be time before I'm 100% again. But I am getting there :)
So hug your loved ones tightly.
Dont forget to tell them how you feel. Even in the little ways♡
Blessed yule and be thankful for the life you have to share with those you love.

Blessed yule and let us hope 2020 is a better year for all♡


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