SAGITTARIUS dec 15 people


People Born On December 15: Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius
DECEMBER 15 birthday horoscopepredicts it’s likely that you are extremely friendly and funny. You’re on the Most Wanted list. Some of your friends say you like the attention people bestowed on you, almost putting you on a pedestal. You take control of audiences and make them your own. You have a magnetic personality.
The December 15 birthday personality follow their path. This Sagittarian birthday person is about as unconventional as they come. If it’s different, you’ll do it. If they say it can’t be done, you’ll do it. You are driven by the idea of fame and fortune. However, you have limitations as to how far you will go to get it. Having been brought up with values, you maintain a high set of principles to live by.
On the other hand, you can be spontaneous. As the December 15th birthday zodiac sign is Sagittarius, you need a bit of stimulation or you get restless. Those born on this zodiac birthday are curious individuals. Sometimes this nature can wind you up in a pickle as you are likely to have accidents. Experimenting may not be your cup of tea when it comes to certain things that have a large amount of risk involved.
The December 15th birthday horoscope predicts that you have a big heart. Many of your friends come to you for advice mainly because you’re logical. You have a way at looking at things from a distance. This makes for an unbiased opinion which makes you an excellent mediator or adviser. If today is your birthday, you like to dispute facts with others especially with a friend.
Let’s talk about your family. When it comes to commitments or family ties, you are not as close as you could be to your roots. You continue to hope for better days although you have had failed attempts in the past. Being a parent, however, teaches you a thing or two about making certain decisions. When you are faced with a particular situation, you think back to how your parents reacted to you. The December 15 birthday personality is likely to base part of his or her decisions on childhood memories or the desire to change what you desire, might feel wrong.
The December 15 astrology predicts that you don’t seem to have a lot of luck with relationships. This doesn’t seem to discourage you from finding your soul mate. You don’t handle disappointment very well, however. No one knows this but you tend to take breakups hard as you suffer in private.
The December 15 birthday meanings suggest that you may find that a career in the human service field suits you as you are a caring individual. Helping others brings you much personal satisfaction. You are rewarded for your good deeds. Money seems to drop down from the sky on you. Otherwise, you work hard for the money and you won’t let setbacks deter you from reaching your goal. If at all possible, you grind harder to succeed.
This Sagittarian’s health is generated mainly from a positive and winning attitude. You are your own immune system’s booster. Generally, good health belongs to you, but you should be careful to guard against diseases of the liver and stomach. With a December 15 birthday, you could be prone to accidents resulting in a bruised leg. Certain foods make you feel good, and this could be dangerous when it comes to maintaining a comfortable weight. Although cocoa is good for you, it’s only good in moderation. Even changing when you eat, can have positive effects on your body and mind.
How do you do it, Sagittarius? You’re incredible! Being born on this SAGITTARIUS birthday  attract a lot of attention without demanding it. People love you and trust you with their intimate details. The future of person who born on 15 December is one that will be full of life. You are someone who would have no problems running for an election.
Additionally, you are focused on the bigger picture, and that is what you mainly dream about. Your friends say you are complicated when it comes to romance. Also, you could have some problems with food. Try changing your routine a bit and eat healthier foods.
December 15 Birthday Planet
Your ruling planet is Jupiter that symbolizes mercy, happiness, growth, vitality, and optimism.
December 15 Birthday Symbols
The Archer 
December 15 Lucky Numbers
Number 6 – This number symbolizes love, caring, selflessness, protecting and sacrifices.
Number 9 – This number symbolizes global awareness, sophistication, and compassion.
The life path number for anyone born on Dec 15 1976 is 5.
This astrological sign has a positive polarity and its noticeable characteristics are social and vivacious, while it is considered a masculine sign.
The associated element for this astrological sign is the Fire. Three characteristics of an individual born under this element are:
having an energy level above the average
often looking at faith meanings
being highly dedicated
The modality for Sagittarius is Mutable. The main three characteristics of an individual born under this modality are:
deals with unknown situations very well
likes almost every change
very flexible
health astrology
Sagittarius natives have a horoscope predisposition to suffer from illnesses in connection to the area of the upper legs, especially thighs. A few of the possible health issues a Sagittarius may need to deal with are listed in the following rows, plus stating that the chance to be affected by other health problems should be taken into account:
 Bipolar personality disorder which is characterized by seasonal changes in mood or rapid mood shifts.
 High blood pressure that can be either genetic or caused by other factors.
 Narcissistic personality disorder which is the disorder in which someone is obsessed with their own image.
Spinal cord diseases that include blocked blood supply, other injuries and infections.
zodiac animal and other Chinese connotations
The Chinese zodiac offers another approach on how to interpret the influences of the date of birth upon an individual’s personality and evolution in life, love, career or health. Within this analysis we will try to describe its meanings.
Zodiac animal details
The 龍 Dragon is the zodiac animal associated with December 15 1976.
The element connected with the Dragon symbol is the Yang Fire.
The numbers considered lucky for this zodiac animal are 1, 6 and 7, while numbers to avoid are 3, 9 and 8.
The lucky colors of this Chinese sign are golden, silver and hoary, while red, purple, black and green are considered avoidable colors.
Chinese zodiac general characteristics
Among the specificities that define this zodiac animal we can include:
vigorous person
passionate person
proud person
direct person
Some common behaviors related to love of this sign are:
sensitive heart
In terms of characteristics related with the social and interpersonal relationship side, this sign can be described by the following statements:
dislikes to be used or controled by other people
have no many friendships but rather lifetime friendships
dislikes hypocrisy
can easily get upset
Few career related traits that may best present this sign are:
has creativity skills
has the abillity to make good decisions
often perceived as hard worker
always seeking new challenges
Other astrology & horoscope facts
December 15 1976 was a Wednesday.
The soul number that rules the December 15, 1976 birthday is 6.
The celestial longitude interval assigned to Sagittarius is 240° to 270°.
Sagittarius is ruled by the 9th Houseand the Planet Jupiter. Their symbolic birthstone is Turquoise.


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