Meaning for my birth sign / date / time
Explore and understand better the astrological profile of someone born under September 8 1979 horoscope by checking few facts such as Virgo zodiac facts, compatibilities in love, attributes by Chinese zodiac animal and an appealing lucky features analysis together with a personality descriptors assessment.
Horoscope and zodiac sign meanings
There are some representative characteristics of the western zodiac sign associated with this birthday, we should start with:
- The linked horoscope sign with Sep 8 1979 is Virgo. The period designated to this sign is between August 23 - September 22.
- The Maiden symbolizes Virgo.
- The life path number that rules those born on September 8, 1979 is 7.
- This astrological sign has a negative polarity and its recognizable characteristics are standing on one's own two feet and self-conscious, while it is categorised as a feminine sign.
- The element for this astrological sign is the Earth. The most important three characteristics of people born under this element are:
- prefering to check all the hypothesis
- oriented towards learning from previous experience
- calmly navigating through situations already met
- The linked modality to this sign is Mutable. In general an individual born under this modality is characterized by:
- deals with unknown situations very well
- very flexible
- likes almost every change
- Virgo is known as most compatible with:
- Virgo is considered to be least compatible in love with:
Birthday characteristics interpretation
Considering astrological meanings September 8 1979 can be characterized as a day with many influences. That's why through 15 descriptors, chosen and evaluated in a subjective manner, we try to describe the personality profile of someone having this birthday, simultaneously offering a lucky features chart that wants to predict good or bad influences of the horoscope in life, health or money.Horoscope personality descriptors chart
Comforting:Quite descriptive!Trustworthy:Completely descriptive!Amusing:Little resemblance!Righteous:Some resemblance!Perceptive:Good description!Critical:Some resemblance!Vain:Rarely descriptive!Self-Centered:No resemblance!Headstrong:Sometimes descriptive!Meditative:Little resemblance!Exuberant:Little to few resemblance!Impulsive:Quite descriptive!Careful:Great resemblance!Discreet:Little to few resemblance!Bold:Very good resemblance!
Horoscope lucky features chart
Little luck!

Pretty lucky!

Great luck!

Rarely lucky!

As lucky as it gets!

September 8 1979 health astrology
Virgo natives have a horoscope predisposition to confront with illnesses and ailments in connection to the area of the abdomen and the components of the digestive system. A few of the possible illnesses and health problems a Virgo may suffer from are listed below, plus stating that the chance to confront with other health issues should not be ignored:

September 8 1979 zodiac animal and other Chinese connotations
The Chinese zodiac presents a new perspective, in many cases meant to explain in a surprising way the influences of date of birth on personality and evolution of an individual's life. Within this section we will try understanding its message.

- The 羊 Goat is the zodiac animal associated with September 8 1979.
- The element linked with the Goat symbol is the Yin Earth.
- This zodiac animal has 3, 4 and 9 as lucky numbers, while 6, 7 and 8 are considered unfortunate numbers.
- Purple, red and green are the lucky colors for this sign, while coffee, golden are considered avoidable colors.

- These are a few general peculiarities that may characterize this zodiac animal:
- pessimistic person
- intelligent person
- creative person
- excellent care-giver person
- Some elements that may characterize the love related behavior of this sign are:
- difficult to conquer but very open afterwards
- dreamer
- sensitive
- timid
- In terms of the qualities and characteristics that relate to the social and interpersonal skills of this zodiac animal we can affirm the following:
- often perceived as charming and innocent
- has few close friends
- totally dedicated to the close friendships
- proves to be reserved and private
- If we look at the influences of this zodiac on the career evolution we may conclude that:
- believes that routine is not Something That Bad
- follows the procedures 100%
- is not interested in management positions
- is capable when necessary
Chinese zodiac compatibilities
- Goat best matches with:
- Pig
- Rabbit
- Horse
- The Goat matches in a normal way with:
- Goat
- Dragon
- Snake
- Rooster
- Monkey
- Rat
- Expectations should not be too large in case of a relationship between the Goat and any of these signs:
- Tiger
- Dog
- Ox

This zodiac animal would fit in careers such as:
- teacher
- support officer
- back end officer
- administrative officer

Linked to the health aspect the Goat should keep in mind the following things:
- should pay attention in keeeping a proper meal time schedule
- should try doing more sports
- should try to spend more time among nature
- taking time to relax and entertain is beneficial

Famous people born under the same zodiac animal are:
- Pierre Trudeau
- Thomas Alva Edison
- Yue Fei
- Michael Owen
This date's ephemeris
The ephemeris for September 8, 1979 are:

Other astrology & horoscope facts
The weekday for September 8 1979 was Saturday.
It is considered that 8 is the soul number for September 8 1979 day.
The celestial longitude interval related to Virgo is 150° to 180°.
You have Midheaven in Virgo ( 2° 20' 19")
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