Meaning for my birth sign / date / time
Explore and understand better the astrological profile of someone born under September 8 1979 horoscope by checking few facts such as Virgo zodiac facts, compatibilities in love, attributes by Chinese zodiac animal and an appealing lucky features analysis together with a personality descriptors assessment.
Horoscope and zodiac sign meanings
There are some representative characteristics of the western zodiac sign associated with this birthday, we should start with:
- The linked horoscope sign with Sep 8 1979 is Virgo. The period designated to this sign is between August 23 - September 22.
- The Maiden symbolizes Virgo.
- The life path number that rules those born on September 8, 1979 is 7.
- This astrological sign has a negative polarity and its recognizable characteristics are standing on one's own two feet and self-conscious, while it is categorised as a feminine sign.
- The element for this astrological sign is the Earth. The most important three characteristics of people born under this element are:
- prefering to check all the hypothesis
- oriented towards learning from previous experience
- calmly navigating through situations already met
- The linked modality to this sign is Mutable. In general an individual born under this modality is characterized by:
- deals with unknown situations very well
- very flexible
- likes almost every change
- Virgo is known as most compatible with:
- Virgo is considered to be least compatible in love with:
Birthday characteristics interpretation
Considering astrological meanings September 8 1979 can be characterized as a day with many influences. That's why through 15 descriptors, chosen and evaluated in a subjective manner, we try to describe the personality profile of someone having this birthday, simultaneously offering a lucky features chart that wants to predict good or bad influences of the horoscope in life, health or money.Horoscope personality descriptors chart
Comforting:Quite descriptive!Trustworthy:Completely descriptive!Amusing:Little resemblance!Righteous:Some resemblance!Perceptive:Good description!Critical:Some resemblance!Vain:Rarely descriptive!Self-Centered:No resemblance!Headstrong:Sometimes descriptive!Meditative:Little resemblance!Exuberant:Little to few resemblance!Impulsive:Quite descriptive!Careful:Great resemblance!Discreet:Little to few resemblance!Bold:Very good resemblance!
Horoscope lucky features chart
Little luck!
Pretty lucky!
Great luck!
Rarely lucky!
As lucky as it gets!
September 8 1979 health astrology
Virgo natives have a horoscope predisposition to confront with illnesses and ailments in connection to the area of the abdomen and the components of the digestive system. A few of the possible illnesses and health problems a Virgo may suffer from are listed below, plus stating that the chance to confront with other health issues should not be ignored:
Constipation is also known as costiveness represents hard to pass bowel movements.
Indigestion as the general term for difficult digestion caused by various factors from eating too much or eating food prepared incorrectly.
Food allergies that can be either genetic or newly obtained.
Gallstones which are basically stones in the gall bladder, crystalline concretions formed out of bile components.
September 8 1979 zodiac animal and other Chinese connotations
The Chinese zodiac presents a new perspective, in many cases meant to explain in a surprising way the influences of date of birth on personality and evolution of an individual's life. Within this section we will try understanding its message.
Zodiac animal details
- The 羊 Goat is the zodiac animal associated with September 8 1979.
- The element linked with the Goat symbol is the Yin Earth.
- This zodiac animal has 3, 4 and 9 as lucky numbers, while 6, 7 and 8 are considered unfortunate numbers.
- Purple, red and green are the lucky colors for this sign, while coffee, golden are considered avoidable colors.
Chinese zodiac general characteristics
- These are a few general peculiarities that may characterize this zodiac animal:
- pessimistic person
- intelligent person
- creative person
- excellent care-giver person
- Some elements that may characterize the love related behavior of this sign are:
- difficult to conquer but very open afterwards
- dreamer
- sensitive
- timid
- In terms of the qualities and characteristics that relate to the social and interpersonal skills of this zodiac animal we can affirm the following:
- often perceived as charming and innocent
- has few close friends
- totally dedicated to the close friendships
- proves to be reserved and private
- If we look at the influences of this zodiac on the career evolution we may conclude that:
- believes that routine is not Something That Bad
- follows the procedures 100%
- is not interested in management positions
- is capable when necessary
Chinese zodiac compatibilities
- Goat best matches with:
- Pig
- Rabbit
- Horse
- The Goat matches in a normal way with:
- Goat
- Dragon
- Snake
- Rooster
- Monkey
- Rat
- Expectations should not be too large in case of a relationship between the Goat and any of these signs:
- Tiger
- Dog
- Ox
Chinese zodiac career
This zodiac animal would fit in careers such as:
- teacher
- support officer
- back end officer
- administrative officer
Chinese zodiac health
Linked to the health aspect the Goat should keep in mind the following things:
- should pay attention in keeeping a proper meal time schedule
- should try doing more sports
- should try to spend more time among nature
- taking time to relax and entertain is beneficial
Famous people born with the same zodiac animal
Famous people born under the same zodiac animal are:
- Pierre Trudeau
- Thomas Alva Edison
- Yue Fei
- Michael Owen
This date's ephemeris
The ephemeris for September 8, 1979 are:
Sidereal time: 23:05:51 UTC
Sun was in Virgo at 14° 45'.
Moon in Aries at 06° 35'.
Mercury was in Virgo at 09° 52'.
Venus in Virgo at 18° 26'.
Mars was in Cancer at 19° 39'.
Jupiter in Leo at 25° 36'.
Saturn was in Virgo at 16° 56'.
Uranus in Scorpio at 17° 43'.
Neptun was in Sagittarius at 17° 45'.
Pluto in Libra at 17° 48'.
Other astrology & horoscope facts
The weekday for September 8 1979 was Saturday.
It is considered that 8 is the soul number for September 8 1979 day.
The celestial longitude interval related to Virgo is 150° to 180°.
You have Midheaven in Virgo ( 2° 20' 19")
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