In a blink of an eye,life can be cut short. Can be ripped away just like that. As though the light was switched off with the snap of the fingers. Tonight, I found out once again I lost a dear friend. Although we may have never met face to face, he was still a valued friend. Always a very supportive person about my writings and my art. He was a part of the family I had found in the fandom of my fav TV show. He was apparently sicker than he had led on with us in our small dysfunctional group.such a shock of this news. I still cannot wrap my head around this news yet. To think we will never see another post of some inspirational quote and a cool art along with it.

R.I.P. our dear and beloved friend and family member mike Moore. May you continue to rock on forever where you have gone. May your inspiring words and wisdom. And your poetry become forever songs upon the wind. Wait on the shenanigans until we all meet again. <3


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