
Showing posts from November, 2020

Pandemic life and the retail world

 October 2020~ 📷by SkyBoivin  The year 2020 has been a rough and wild roller coaster right out of the gates, that is for certain. From the panic in hoarding toilet paper, to the need of precious ppe. These days as the months have grown past us, we have made it to the last quarter of the year. Now, we come into shortages of many things. Things such as lysol disinfectant sprays have been nearly non-existent from the beginning as it fell under the precious ppe category. Families in desperate need of such things struggle to find other ways to keep their young children with immunity definiacies safe on a daily basis. Families such of children with disabilities such as acardi syndrome and more.  Now, with the beginning of the school year and many being taught from home with remote learning now, many things are wiped off from the shelves that may have normally just sat there idle and alone. One such item this school year are the dry- erase white boards.  Other things, such...

Supernatural- s15 e18

 Thoughts / ideas on this episode. Understand, I get those who ship Destiel. I don't dismiss it at all. I just do not view it as such. The scene of Castiel telling Dean "I love you" before allowing the Empty come and take him away to also take Billie. I see it, as with the entire series with the interaction between the two, a family/ brotherly love from it. Angels, take as they are not just male or female,would take on a vessel that could hold them in the series.  There is no sexual orientation to them at all. If you recall throughout the series of supernatural, they have taken on many various vessels.  Raphael, was a female and a male vessel at different points of the series. As well as Castiel himself, being a female way back in the older era time period. He just happened to pick out a male vessel from Jimmy this time around. Also, let us not forget, he took on Claire as a vessel temporarily as well.  Hannah, was even a female and then a male. Then, a female once a...