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Showing posts from 2016
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good day everyone!!! I am happy to announce that my book, "Their Hope Within The Flames" is now available for preorder until july 4th 2016! on the 4th of july, it will then become available for purchase! it is $8.99 paperback and if you buy that, you get the option to purchase the kindle copy of only 99 cents! a great bargain! Everyone on Twitter has been raving about this book since I have made the announcement! just look at what others are saying about it, and me! like Tracy Miller, fellow poet: and if you follow this # on twitter : I am so excited that this book is finally done and finally here! I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have had writing it! thank you to everyone who has helped with this project!! check out the reviews that are being written about #TheirHope ! : https://lifeisawalkingshadow.wordpr...
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Let's share some poetry tonight! here are a few from my published works: this one is from An Assortment of Poetry , which can be found on Me F o r Me Gr o w o ld a l o n g w i th me , a n d in ti m e y o u will s e e , j u st w h at t h is life has d o n e to m e . T h e wri n k l es a r o un d m y e y es a n d mo u t h s ho w all t h e s m iles in all m y d a y s. T h e g ra y i n g h air, s h o ws all t h e wis d o m I h a v e a c qu ir e d . L o o k i n t o m y e ye s, a n d b e h o ld t h e s o r r o ws o f m y life. T h e h ar d s h i p s in m y h a nd s a n d feet. B u t, t h at i s o n l y t h e o u tsi d e. Try o p e n i n g t h e wi ndo w i n to m y s o u l. I j u st m i gh t l e t y o u see m e f o r m e. Oct. 1 9 , 1 9 98 this next one can be found in my poetry book Scattered Emo...
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Hello! Welcome to my new blog site! Here, I will share everything from where to follow me to where to buy my work to what's new and upcoming! So first things first, the biggest news of the year so far: I have gathered enough donations from all of you wonderful and lovely followers to give to Todd Barselow to edit my book, "Their Hope Within The Flames"! I am slotted for editing with him in mid March and early April! I am so very excited for this next step. I want to give a big thanks and a big round of applause to all of those who not only donated, but also shared about the fundraising to get this book edited! I would not be here today without your support and help in this. More updates to follow as soon as I hear back from Mr. Bareslow himself! Next, I have all kinds of other fun and exciting things planned for this upcoming year. I hope to get another poetry book ready for you to enjoy by the end of this year. I have submitted some of my work to be ...