Artwork sale

Art and photography Of Sky Boivin Pricing: Most 16x20 $ 75.00 u.s. currency each Unless otherwise posted in description *please note- this cost includes shipping costs within the states. International will need to be discussed! If within radius of Massachusetts, will be willing to meet up for drop off delivery Requests/ interests- Message me on Facebook or on Twitter At @skyboivin2 Payments will be made via PayPal or vemno ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Currently sold out] [Will try to make new ones soon] Jabberwocky- by himself, 60$ All 3 set for $150 Save 30 bucks! 16 x 20 wrapped canvas Ice wind Fire (red- not pic) Water Jabber a -sold Jabber b -sold Jabber c - sold Jabber d Red jabber- M. TINY THE DINOSAUR 16 x 20 wrapped canvas (Out of stock) 9 x 14 size country couple silhouette Out of stock U Country couple pair 8x 10 Out of stock DARK ALICE...